2015-2016 the 1st Semester

作者: 时间:2018-07-17 点击数:

1. Master Curriculum

No. Course Lecturer


Introduction to Canadian Studies

Gong Yan


Canadian Literature, History and Culture

Geng Liping


Canada's Multicultural Policy

Liu Chen


The Chinese in Canada: Past and Present

Wang Wenli


Canadian Religious Cultures and Policies: An Intercultural and Sociological Perspective

Zhao Dong


Les études québécoises

Li Hongfeng


Canadian government and politics

Dong Yishen


Canadian Diplomacy

Zhang Xiaoyi

2. Graduate Students Education

(1) Host of Academic Salon of Area Studies: Graduate students’ perspective on Canadian Studies

The series lectures are hosted by the National Centre for Canadian Studies. Graduate students Zhang Meng, Xuan Liqi, Pan Qiaoling, Li Jing, Chen Ciwei and Shan Zhibin will give reports from the perspectives of China-Canada Relation, the Chinese literature in Canada, Canadian multicultural policies, Canadian literature, Canadian religious policies and Canadian national language policies. Pan Qiaoling, a graduate student of the National Centre for Canadian Studies will moderate the salon. Faculty members and students from School of English and International Studies, School of International Journalism and Communication and the French Department attended the salon.

Experts and teachers shared their comments on the reports in term of the relevance of topics, the structure of the reports, research methods and the conclusions. After the salon, the students have a deeper understanding of their research fields, realized where they lack, and formed a plan-oriented, systematic and innovative conscious in academic researches.

No. Report Graduate Student


Canada's China Policy and Factors Affecting Future Changes

Zhang Meng


On the Existence Subject in All That Matters from Wayson Choy

Xuan Liqi


An Overview of Canadian Multicultural Policies

Pan Qiaoling


The Analysis of Del’s Growing-up in Lives and Girls and Women from a Focalization Narrative Perspective

Li Jing


Religious Diversity: Challenges in Canada

Chen Ciwei


The Language Development and Language Policies for Aboriginals in Quebec

Shan Zhibin

(2) Participation in Academic Conferences

(3) Exchange Programs

No. Graduate Students University for Exchange


Liu Xingxie

PhD. Candidate at the Department of Anthropology of the University of British Columbia


Fan Yining

Brown University, sponsored by the China Scholarship Council


Li Jieya

Visiting Scholar, the University of Salzburg


Yan Lu

Visiting Scholar, University of Calgary

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